Thursday, October 15, 2009

Faking It

I remember a friend telling me how great it was when her son was old enough to get out of bed on his own and grab himself some breakfast, allowing her time to sleep in. At times, I eagerly anticipate the day that occurs since Braden wakes up quite early most days. Well, my wish came true....sort of.

I woke up to the sound of Braden yelling my name from the family room. It was surely an emergency that required me to leap from my bed to rush to find out what was the matter. Braden said, "I'm sick so I'm having fake cheetos for breakfast, but now they are all gone. Please go to the store to get more fake cheetos." Apparently he wasn't fooled into thinking these supposedly healthy "Smart Puffs" were the real deal. Then he said he was also having a fake fruit roll up and fake chips. I thought the baked chips and 100% fruit strips could hardly be discerned from their less healthy counterparts.
Apparently the "real" pretzels made this sick kid feel better.
I don't know where Braden got the whole "fake" thing from. Guess it's hard to even fool a 3-year-old with the healthy knock-offs! Braden magically felt better though after his breakfast and then wanted to top it off with ice cream.

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