Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Class of 2010

Braden "graduated" from his preschool class & was promoted into the 4-year-old class today. His class performed a song at the school's graduation ceremony, which Braden belted out much louder than the other children. He has the reputation for being the outspoken one in class who is always quick to blurt out answers to questions & correct Ms. Tricia when she makes a mistake. Before presenting Braden with his certificate, she bragged about him a bit. He loves to try to read everything & "is smarter than many of the older kids in preschool & kindergarten" (Hope that trend continues!!). Ms. Tricia wants an invitation to the White House when Braden becomes president since she's sure this is the path he'll take (Not if we have any say in it!). He is a great negotiator and can talk his way out of getting a 'sad stick' any time he's on the verge of receiving one for being in trouble. Braden, "The Politician" (as his certificate reads) is really going to miss Ms. Tricia!

I couldn't resist the opportunity to brag about Braden. It'll be interesting to look back at this in 20 years...

1 comment:

[erin] said...

...clearly a reflection of his parents! Isn't it great to get the positive reinforcement?