Monday, July 1, 2013

A Third of a Year

It has only been four months, but it seems like our lives just wouldn't be right without these sweet babies.  Braden keeps reminding us that we will be celebrating their first birthday soon!
Kennedy seemed like she was going to be a bit high maintenance.  She liked to scream just hear her voice and get attention.  Once someone would approach her to see what the scream was all about, she would flash the most adorable smile.  That phase seems to be passing and she has really mellowed out.  She has become such a sweet angel.  She weighs about 14 lbs., is 25 inches tall, with a head circumference of 16 inches.
 Cam was extremely mellow and laid back for the first few months, but his energy level has definitely increased lately.  He loves to roll all over and kick his legs like crazy.  He is no longer content just chilling.  He wants to be active.  He tips the scale at 15 lbs., is 26 inches tall, with a head circumference of 17 inches. 

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