Tuesday, May 26, 2009

American Idol in 2025?

Braden's preschool performed a few songs in church, so we got front row seats for the show! Braden was placed front and center with the microphone right next to him and he took advantage of the opportunity to belt out the songs! We actually didn't know if Braden knew the songs, especially since he hadn't attended his class for a week and a half prior to the event. Well, he certainly didn't have any qualms about singing as loudly as he could, and if he didn't know the words, he sure faked it really well!

Braden was one of the few children trying to keep the beat by clapping.

And he was definitely the only child rocking back and forth and back and forth to the rhythm throughout the entire performance.

Hand motions and all....Braden really put forth huge effort!

1 comment:

Maria and Billy said...

We did already put dibs on being his manager, right? :)