Forget the show Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader? Sometimes I wonder if I'm smarter than my 2-year-old! He seems to say something clever, hilarious, or intriguing every single day. Here's just a sampling of the conversations that have left me laughing or feeling a bit dumbfounded over the last couple days!
Braden is obsessed with the idea of birthdays. He always asks me who has a birthday coming up next. On a few occasions recently, I have told him the next few celebrations will be for Uncle John-Paul, cousin Charley, Aunt Maria, Grandma Judy, and cousin Sydney. Today, I mixed up the order a bit, so he quickly reminded me what the correct sequence is. Braden was also kind enough to remind me that my birthday falls right after Charley' day he might realize birthdays lose a bit of significance after a certain age, but for now he's focused on his birthday in a few months!
Looks like he's thinking of something witty to say.....
There are some horses in our neighborhood that Braden loves to go see. There are two horses at one of the homes that look alike, so I asked Braden if he thinks they are sisters. He immediately retorted that they are boyfriend and girlfriend or maybe brother and sister. I asked why he thought that was the case and he offered me the anatomical explanation as to why one of the horses was a boy. What's next? A conversation about the birds and the bees?
There's usually a humorous comment lurking behind this sweet, innocent grin.....
One of Braden's favorite things to do when we're in the car is to yell S-T-O-P when he sees a red light. Then he says, "Mom, that spells STOP!" Then he'll say "G-O, that spells GO Mom!" I asked what I should do when we are approaching a yellow light, but before he told me to slow down, he explained that the light isn't really yellow. According to my toddler, the light that is "yellow-orange" means to slow down. He's got a point. The light is often more of an orange shade. At least he's not color-blind!
No matter what the situation is, Braden is always looking for fun and adventure! He definitely keeps us laughing and sometimes speechless!