Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Got Starbucks?

The idea of Braden being potty-trained seemed fantastic for all the obvious reasons. However, I failed to think about the fact that those middle-of-the-night soggy diapers were now exchanged for the middle-of-the-night bathroom visits....that I get invited to! So, if you see me and I look like I've been up with a newborn baby all night, that is my excuse! Somehow waking up a couple times per night has no affect on Braden. Ahhhh, to be a 2-year-old again....

This sweet cherub-like face is too hard to resist!
He was so happy at midnight that I had to capture his smile....and wild hair that was amazingly still wet from his bath. I didn't look nearly as cheery as he does when I was taking this picture.
I'm going to start drinking Dr. Pepper too if I can't catch up on some zzzz's soon! Braden said, "I'm just going to have one little sip of Daddy's spicy Dr. Pepper." Of course, one sip turned into half a can! Hmmm, maybe that's where all the energy is derived from!

1 comment:

Melissa Maris said...

That boy has good taste! I drink a Dr. Pepper every day.