Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Potty Party

Quite a few people have asked us how potty training is going....well, it's not. It's not going because we haven't really put forth any effort in that department. We did purchase the training potty and Braden knows how to say "potty." That's about as far as we have gotten. This potty sings, talks, and makes all kinds of noises. Surely these features should help a 21-month-old become interested in using the potty, right??

What is this big smile all about?!
Braden is just excited about going potty....
He was convinced his efforts must have paid off....
And boy, was he excited to find what he called a "hat" inside the potty! (Don't worry, the potty has never been used).
He flushed and put the seat down without even being told. One day, he will make his wife very happy!

1 comment:

Jett Thomas said...

He is so cute! He looks so grown up in the second picture!